Guahan Sustainable Culture

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New Project Launched to Develop More Poultry Farmers

Hagatna (GU) 15 August 2021 - Guåhan Sustainable Culture’s (GSC) new Poultry Development Project, aimed at developing twenty (20) new poultry farmers and increasing Guam’s local egg production was launched on Friday, August 13. Sustainable farming, including poultry farming, has been growing in both popularity and practice. In addition, the community’s interest and support to “Buy Local” has increased market demand for fresh local eggs. Currently the majority of Guam’s eggs are imported from the US mainland, but with funding from the Guam Economic Development Authority’s (GEDA) Qualifying Certificate Community Contribution (QCCC) Grant Program, GSC hopes to facilitate increasing the number of local poultry farmers and local eggs for sale in the community.

According to Michelle Crisostomo, President and Co-founder of GSC, the organization has provided approximately seventy-five (75) families with live chicks to start their own productive flocks and have access to fresh eggs for themselves and their families. “Through GEDA’s help, we are able to provide free training and cover the start-up costs which includes the chicks, supplies, a coop, an incubator and feed for the first six months so that participants can focus on raising their flock and growing a successful business.”

Guam Department of Agriculture Director, Chelsa Muna-Brecht and the Agricultural Services Division Chief John Borja share important information about egg production and safety.

Friday's training included a workshop on How to Successfully Raise Baby Chicks taught by Crisostomo, followed by a presentation on Poultry Welfare and Disease Prevention by Guam Territorial Veterinarian Dr. Thomas Pool. Guam Department of Agriculture Director, Chelsa Muna-Brecht and the Agricultural Services Division Chief John Borja ended the training with Important Information About Egg Production and Safety. Additional training opportunities, Chicken Breeding and Incubating Eggs to Increase Flock Size and Chicken Farm Economics, Business Planning, and Finance will be held in the near future.

The aspiring poultry farmers started receiving their first flock of chicks in September.